Your Helping Spirits await
From 4:30pm until 6:30pm
At Himalayan Salt Cave
940 16th St W, North Vancouver
70 (Deposit 70 per person)
gray bird / feliz@spiritquest.ca
Can you spare 2 hours this month to sit in the Himalayan Salt Cave and wash away our heavy energetic worries and emotional baggage? Join me as we increase our vibration and create healing energy within.
** Attendance is strictly limited to 10 seats. We kindly request a donation of $70 in advance of the event (to hold your seat). I will provide confirmation of receipt of said donation. Your donation will be refunded if the event is cancelled. You may submit your donation via e-transfer using feliz@spiritquest.ca or via Paypal using Paypal.me/graysquest
Spirit Plant Medicine friendly - We will be offering Cacao and micro amount of forest medicine.
If you are like me, you are carrying around a sizable pile of difficult-to-process baggage. The summation of a lifetime of heavy vibrational s**t which has placed a heavy burden on your otherwise sensitive nature.
In this Shamanic Healing Journey we will practice 'Letting go'. Letting go of years of accumulated crap which has so hampered your inalienable right to a Happy and Loving life that you find yourself stuck. Releasing the heavy vibrational s**t, which has accumulated and has created a insurmountable wall between you and your emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being, may be one of the most important things you will ever do.
We all live. We all have dreams and experiences. We are all blessed with high vibrational feelings of Joy and Love and we all suffer from low vibrational feelings of hate, anger, fear, grief, greed, jealousy, etc. What it is to be human.
We all carry memories of events which have transpired. Be they joyful or painful, be they loving or wroth with hatred, be they filled with peace or filled with conflict. These memories carry with them all of the emotional baggage which was generated at the time of origin.
Are you carrying memories which have power over you? Memories which you are not able to process, not able to forgive or forget? Memories which are not serving you yet are a constant source of heavy energy? Memories which are a source of anger or grief or guilt or shame or other negative emotion?
Memories keep us locked into the past and make it impossible to enjoy the present. True happiness is not possible while these memories are 'at play' and continue to have power over us.
Letting Go... A guided spirit journey and sound bath where you will have the opportunity to experience non-ordinary world(s) and Let Go of heavy low-vibrational baggage once and for all.
Love, Gray
Connected in spirit ♡ Gray Bird
There are 10 people coming.
There are 0 places available. But you can still register for the waiting list