Your animal, teacher, and guardian spirits await...
From 4 pm until 7 pm
At Oasis Wellness Centre
1111 Austin Ave, Unit 2, Coquitlam
exchange 45 please
gray bird
Each cup of medicine (Cacao) contains 32g of hand picked Organic Raw Ecuadorian Arriba criollo cacao beans, 6 oz water, spices, and is topped with rose petals. Cannabis oil or micro dose Forest medicine [Lions Mane, Reishi, Passionflower, Holy Basil, Skullcap, Ashwagandha, and Ginger] are optional.
In her definition of the chant RaMaDaSa Sa Say So Hung, Snatam Kaur eloquently states "In many traditions, healing is said to occur when you raise your vibration into Divine Alignment. According to the Law of Attraction, healing must occur if your vibration matches it."
🤍 It is our joint mission to raise our vibration to be inline with the Divine 🤍
Indian Shruti Box / Whistling / Navajo Flute / Tibetan Bells / Native Drum / Peruvian Rattles / Nepalese Bowls / Ceremonial Chakapa / Russian Khomus / Chimes / Voice / Electronic Synth / African Kalimba / Indonesian Rain Stick / synth
The Aztec and Mayan people revered Cacao as 'a gift from the gods'. Sacred CACAO was used by indigenous people in ceremonies and celebrations.
What you will experience -
The Sacred Pipe Ceremony
- Spirit Journeys
- Sound Medicine
- Shamanic Healing
- Icaros from the amazon and mantras from the east
- Traditional healing story
- ecstatic dance
Cacao's generous spirit -
- opens the heart and allows for a deep and authentic love based connection with yourself, others, nature, and the Universe. An experience of Oneness.
- can promote powerful journeys to non-ordinary realities and a true connection with spirit
- can help bring awareness to things that have been preventing you from creating the life you love. Cacao can also aid in releasing repeated patterns, beliefs and blocks which could be stopping you, slowing you down or standing in the way of creating the life you love.
** Please arrive on time as late arrivals cannot be admitted.
Flow of the ceremony -
After prayers to spirit and the smudging of the space and participants there will be time for a quick introduction from everyone. We will drink the sacred medicine promptly and begin our guided spirit journey following some grounding work and the facilitator's power song.
Songs from the rainforest, mantras from the East, and First Nations spiritual drumming and chanting will be offered. In addition, various acoustic instruments will be used to create a sound bath. Shamanic Healing work will be offered to each participant. A traditional healing story will be offered.
Upon the close of the ceremony we will enjoy a light snack while we share our experience in an integration circle.
What to bring -
Bring something soft to lay on (mat), a pillow, and a blanket. As an alternative, you can bring a 'low profile' chair or a Back Jack. A bandanna or other cover for your eyes, to help black out the daylight, is also helpful.
We will supply a simple snack and bottled water.
How to Prepare -
Consider taking a walk in nature to connect spiritually with a stick or stone and bring it with you to the ceremony.
- Minimize the drama in your life.
- Complete pending tasks.
- Eat a light meal in the afternoon as Cacao will absorb better on an empty stomach.
- Lay off the caffeinated beverages as Cacao contains a light amount of caffeine itself.
It is my sincere hope that this Spirit Plant Medicine ceremony will help you progress on your healing path and provide a connection to nature and spirit, as this event will help me progress on my own medicine path. The practice of the dieta, meditation, and ceremonial participation can be an exceedingly grounding and spiritual force.
Love, gray
Connected in Spirit 🤍 Gray
There is one person coming
I if you need an assistant I’m available please give me a call
Thank you very much Maritza, it would be a great pleasure to work with you 🙂
I will communicate via email to firm things up.
love, gray