Your Guide/ally animal spirits await...
From 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
At Online via ZOOM
gray bird / feliz@daspro.bc.ca
** In reciprocity for the many acts of kindness shown to me in my lifetime **
I am providing these free online medicine ceremonies for the benefit of you and I. It is not safe to host in-person ceremonies at this time - there is entirely too much attention being drawn on any sort of gatherings for my comfort level. This is a ZOOM meeting. Anyone with a smart phone or computer can join in. You will be provided with a link and the rest is automatic. Easy . The quality of audio is very important to your success in this regard. As I will be present via computer, not in-person, I can recommend that you use a good quality head set or speaker connected to your computer.
Our goal -
With the aid of an entheogen, you will journey into non-ordinary reality to connect with your guide and teacher spirits.
Shamanic journeying is an acquired art, similar to meditation, and can take some time to master. The use of the entheogen can help you in this regard.
What you will experience -
The Sacred Pipe Ceremony
Breathing, Meditation, and Somatic exercise
3 Journeys to non-ordinary reality
- Animal Spirit Guide/Ally
- Teacher Spirit
- Merge with spirit/object of nature
Live Icaros from the Amazon and
Mantras from the East
Acoustic Sound Medicine
Dance - Time permitting
The Medicine -
It is estimated that cannabis has been used as an entheogen for over 4000 years. You may take the cannabis either by smoking it or orally. Time will be allotted during the ceremony (after prayers) for everyone to smoke their medicine. If you chose to take the sacred plant orally (THC oil or other edibles) then I recommend that you do so approximately 30 minutes before the ceremony begins. If possible, please abstain from using cannabis for at least 2 days before the event.
You should know your own limitations in this regard. As a general rule, I can recommend 5mg of THC be taken for this purpose - you will want to remain fully cognizant throughout.
Although the use cannabis is optional , a small amount will significantly improve your chances of connecting with spirit.
The Mechanics - Your private sacred space
Find a quiet location in your home where you will not be interrupted for the duration of the event and prepare this space as would be appropriate for a spiritual ceremony -
o create a mesa or alter for candles and sacred objects
o prepare your personal space for comfort (sitting and lying down)
o have a suitable surface on which to place your computer
o have some water available for drinking during the ceremony
The quality of audio is very important to your success in this regard. As I will not be present in-person I can recommend that you use a good quality head set or speaker connected to your computer.
The Conduit -
This ceremony will be conducted online using the ZOOM application.
The link to the online ceremony will be attached to event and a password will be emailed to all those who have RSVPed their intention to attend.
Flow of the ceremony -
Please, be prepared to limit your absence from the ceremony. It is very important that you stay for the duration of the event as this will provide you with the most benefit.
After prayers to teachers and spirits and the (virtual) smudging of and the participants, there will be time for a quick introduction from everyone. We will smoke the medicine and the sacred pipe ceremony will be offered. After some breathing and somatic exercise you will be guided on your first shamanic journey.
Icaros from the Amazon, mantras from the East, and First Nations spiritual drumming and chanting will be offered. In addition, various acoustic instruments will be used to create a sound bath.
Upon the close of the ceremony we will share our experience in an integration circle (time permitting).
Finally -
It is my sincere hope that this Ceremony will help you on your Healing and Spiritual path by providing a direct connection to nature and spirit.
Love, Feliz
★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . PEACE * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • LOVE ○ ° ★ . * . . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ FORGIVENESS¸. ●
Gray Bird