Entheogen Ceremony for everyone
From 7 pm until 9:30 pm
At Zoom
feliz / feliz@daspro.bc.ca
Introduction -
Setting your Intention - akin to planting the seed for your spiritual journey / it is a collaboration with the Universe to manifest a specific life goal .
In this Shamanic Ceremony, we will participate in a journey into non-ordinary reality to connect with spirit. Spirit Plant Medicines or Sacred Medicines, like cannabis, continue to be exceedingly important to indigenous cultures worldwide and have been used for 1000s of years to facilitate spiritual journeys.
What you will experience -
- The Sacred Pipe Ceremony
- Breathing and Somatic exercise
- Journeys to non-ordinary reality to connect with spirit
- Live Icaros from the Amazon and
- Mantras from the East
- Acoustic Sound Medicine
- Joyous Release through Movement
- (and perhaps a little bliss...)
The Medicine -
The choice of medicine is up to you. Please understand that the duration of this online ceremony is 3 hours only. If you are taking your medicine orally then please do so at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony. Time will be allotted during the ceremony (after prayers) for everyone to smoke their cannabis.
For goodness sake, be responsible. Have a sitter available, as required. You should know your own limitation in this regard and I cannot be held responsible for your choices.
The Mechanics - Your private sacred space
Find a quiet location in your home where you will not be interrupted for the duration of the event (3 hours) and prepare this space as would be appropriate for a spiritual ceremony - e.g.
- create a mesa or alter for candles and sacred objects
- prepare your personal space for comfort
- have a suitable surface on which to place your computer
- have some water available for drinking during the ceremony
The Conduit -
This ceremony will be conducted online using ZOOM (Zoom.us). You do not need a Zoom account to join this online meeting.
The link to the online ceremony and the password will be emailed to all those who have RSVPed their intention to attend.
The flow of the ceremony -
Please be prepared to limit your absence from the ceremonial space.
Proper preparation , offering reverence and gratitude ...
- (virtual) smudging of the participants
- a quick welcome/introduction from everyone
- prayers of gratitude to teachers and spirits
- the sacred pipe ceremony will be offered
Down to business ...
- time to smoke the medicine
- some breathing and somatic exercise.
- your first guided journey into non-ordinary reality (ally)
- Icaros from the Amazon will be offered
- your 2nd guided journey (teacher)
- mantras from the East will be offered
- a 3rd guided journey may be offered (merging)
In addition, First Nations spiritual drumming and chanting as well as various acoustic instruments will be used to create a sound bath.
Upon the close of the ceremony we will show gratitude to the teachers and spirits. Then there will be opportunity to share our experience with the group.
Finally -
The practice of the Dieta, Meditation, and Spiritual Ceremonies are your path to emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual healing; to find unconditional love and become truly happy .
It is my sincere hope that this Ceremony will help you on your Healing and Spiritual path by providing a direct connection to spirit and nature.
Love, Feliz
★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . PEACE * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • LOVE ○ ° ★ . * . . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ FORGIVENESS¸. ●
Gray Bird
Feliz walks the Medicine Path and has provided ceremonial service since 2014. Among his teachers are - Grand Master Simon, Don Lucio, Angela Prider, Blackfoot Elder Robert, Ram Dass, and the spirits of nature.
There are 4 people coming.