Bufo Alvarius Ceremony for 4


A transcendent experience

From 6pm until 9pm

At North Vancouver

Edgemont Village

185 (Deposit 100 per person)

feliz / feliz@spiritquest.ca

Dr. Martin Ball coined 5-MeO 'the God Molecule' because of its unique ability to connect the participant to the Universe. 

The 5-MEO experience has been described as mystical and transcendent, a swim in the abyss. a visit to the abode of voidness, "Beyond words", Experiential knowledge.

We use vegan 5-MeO, 'no toads were harmed in the production of this medicine'. 

In a calm and safe environment we will participate in a full Bufo Alvarius ceremony. We will observe best practices and the 3 dose protocol (you will participate in all 3 doses) - 

  • Handshake (2-3mg)
  • Hug (4-7mg)
  • Holy Rebirth (8-12mg)

This practice allows us to tailor the medicine dose to your particular needs while adhering to strict safety protocol.


Ceremony Flow -

  • We will open the medicine circle with an introduction from each participant and a brief account of your intention for this ceremony.
  • a sacred pipe ceremony will be offered
  • we will offer a brief discussion of confidentiality, touch, and dosage. 
  • Guided Mediation and/or Breathwork will be offered
  • Love, Surrender, and Trust
  • the medicine is offered, while the others help to hold space and keep you safe.
  • The ceremony will close with fresh fruit served

The sound and music offered during a Toad Venom experience is airy and free of any strong beats; minimal or no drumming.

Side effects may include -

  • Ego dissolution
  • Death of fear
  • Enlightenment
  • Reconnection
  • Unconditional Love

This will be an awesome experience.   

love, feliz

Connected in spirit 💖 gray bird

There are 3 people coming.

There are 3 places available.

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