Your animal, teacher, and guardian spirits await...
From 4 pm until 6 pm
At ZOOM - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6383480117
gray bird
Shamanic Healing Ceremony
"In many traditions, healing is said to occur when you raise your vibration into Devine Alignment. According to the Law of Attraction, healing must occur if your vibration matches it." Snatam Kaur
In this traditional ceremonial setting, we will raise our vibration, with sacred sound, song, and spirit journeys.
You may make a small donation via PayPal.me -
or etransfer using following email address -
In modern society, it can be difficult to 'turn off the noise'; social media, TV, friends, Telephones, co-workers, everybody and everything seams to be talking at us. We meditate with varying success. Our sleep is often interrupted with busy unhealthy thoughts. Peace can be a fleeting concept.
** We are requesting a donation of $6. You may donate via (payPal.me) -
or etransfer using following email address -
feliz (at) spiritquest (dot) ca
Spirit Plant Medicine Friendly
The adjunct of sacred medicine can help you to reach your goal of the peace and serenity which is needed to achieve divine alignment. Consumption of the medicine is optional.
"It is not about the medicine, it is about the journey." gray
No previous experience necessary
Ceremony Flow -
Welcome and intention sharing
Smudging of the space and guests
Acknowledgements to teachers and spirits
sacred pipe ceremony offered
grounding exercises (mindfulness, meditation, etc.)
Spirit Journey / Sound bath
Spirit Journey / Sound bath
dance - shake it up!
End Ceremony
Integration Circle
The Medicine - Raw Cacao contains a psychoactive ingredient called theobromine, which translates to “food of the Gods“. Theobromine is a bitter alkaloid which has been shown to be mildly stimulating, giving you a burst of energy and improving focus as well as memory storage.
Cacao increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain as well as induces the release of endorphins and dopamine, our feel-good hormones. As a result, we are happier and our creativity is reaching peak states.
Santa Maria aka Cannabis - is a Spirit Plant Medicine which has been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures as an aid to attaining spiritual connection and healing.
If you so chose, you will experience Santa Maria as the wise and powerful healing spirit that she is. You will witness first-hand how she gently dissolves your ego to break free of your earthly attachments and make way for your journey to non-ordinary realms, where you can share your intention with you helping spirits.
gray bird is a shamanic practitioner who has been providing healing and ceremonial service since 2014.
Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, gray
Connected in spirit ❤ gray bird
There is one person coming